Zhou Fang 

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Postdoctoral Fellow

Control Theory and Systems Biology Laboratory,
Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering,
ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Email: zhou.fang(at)bsse.ethz.ch  

Google Scholar 

Research Interests

I am a mathematician and control theorist working at the interface of math, control theory, and biology. My ultimate goal is to develop mathematical control theory that provides fundamental guidelines for controlling and engineering living cells. My research interests include a variety of scientific fields that have the potential for my research goal; some are listed as follows.         

  • Chemical Reaction Network Theory
  • Systems and Control Theory 
  • Systems and Synthetic Biology
  • Statistical Inference and Filtering
  • Machine Learning 
  • Thermodynamics 


  • May 2: Our paper titled "Advanced methods for gene network identification and noise decomposition from single-cell data" has been accepted to Nature Communications.
  • March 1: I gave a talk titled "A divide-and-conquer approach for analyzing high-dimensional noisy gene expression networks" at the SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification (UQ24).
  • October 26: I gave a talk titled "A divide-and-conquer approach for analyzing high-dimensional noisy gene expression networks" at the Seminar on the Mathematics of Reaction Networks. [video]
  • October 3: I gave a talk titled "A divide-and-conquer approach for analyzing high-dimensional stochastic reaction network systems" at a department seminar in the Department of Biosystems Sicnence and Engineering, at ETH Zurich.
  • August 1: Our paper titled "Stochastic Weak Passivity for Weakly Stabilizing Stochastic Systems with Nonvanishing Noise" was accepted to Systems & Control Letters.
  • June 27: I gave a talk titled "A Scalable Approach for Solving Chemical Master Equations based on Modularization and Filtering" at the 14th International Conference on Monte Carlo Methods and Applications.
  • February 12: "Hello world!"  The lazy scientist Zhou Fang finally managed to set up his personal website.

My earlier news can be found here.